Accented - Learn English Through Conversations
Accented - Learn English Through Conversations
E53 - Laetitia - Lebanese Accent - Podcast Producer
In this episode, I chat with Laetitia a Lebanese Podcast Producer currently living in Paris France. She works for Rumble Studio which is doing some very exciting things in the world of podcasting. Please check out her podcast and the episode where she interviews me is here:
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Welcome to Accented the podcast where the audience gets to hear a real conversation from real people who use real English. It might sound ordinary, but the stories the guest shares are extraordinary. Each episode features an interview with someone who has a distinct English accent, which will help with your English comprehension in the real world. Today, I am speaking with Latisha and she is a podcast producer working at rumble studio in Paris. Hello everyone today, I'm speaking with Latisha. She is a originally from Lebanon and it was quite cool to chat with Latisha. Because I was just fascinated. With her job role. And she is a podcast producer. However the way that. Rumble studio the place where she works, the way that they record podcasts is by either pre recording questions. Or sending questions on. A document. That people then answer. So you're actually not. Speaking live with the person. And it's quite funny because I'll put a link here in the show notes, because I actually did that process. I had not met Latisha and then she had sent me questions and I prerecorded it and then she made it into an episode. So having listened and see if it sounds. Organic or if you could tell that the questions were prerecorded. So. I found this interview really fascinating, the way that AI. As we call artificial intelligence is working these days and how we can automate so many things. So I'd love to hear your thoughts, what you think about this way of podcasting. Should I start sending questions like that? It would be so much easier for me. However, do we lose that? Real life conversation going back and forth and coming up with. Questions as you're listening to your guest. Anyway have a listen here's the Teesha talking about rumble studio Today. I am speaking with Leticia. She is a podcast producer from rumble studio is based in Paris, France, and is originally from Lebanon. Welcome Latisha.
Laetitia:Hi, thank you so much for having me.
Kimberley:Yes. And you had me on your program last week, and what's really interesting is. And I'll make sure to pop a link to that episode. And, uh, the show notes is that you interviewed me, but yet you didn't interview me in person. Well, not in person, we'll not even live like we are doing now. So can you explain to me that process?
Laetitia:Uh, yeah, so it's actually really nice to hear your voice live. Uh, as you mentioned it, field. It feels different, hearing your voice asynchronous. So, what we had last week is we recorded an interview asynchronously on jumble studio. The company where I work. Um, the. And then I put my questions. I recorded them. And, uh, you as a guest, you only heard my questions or my welcome step, maybe the questions were just written down. And then you answered the on your own time and then I downloaded and heard your answers, your answers once you finished. So it was really interesting to put everything together in post-production and editing. And I'm like to hear how the episode turned out to be. So this process, um, It's called asynchronous podcasting. It's when I do it on my own time. And the guest does it on his, her own time. And yeah, it's cool.
Kimberley:Yeah, it's. It was actually very easy to do when I had a look at the episode, it's a nine minute episode. And I, I don't think I heard your voice. I think you may have re recorded the questions after, or I think I read the questions. And then actually when I heard the podcast, I'm pretty sure that was the first time I heard your voice and I answered the questions and then you've put. Uh, like I guess to put it together, is it. Um, quite easy. The process for you too. Because you've obviously. Done this with a few guests. Do you use the same questions? With different guests and just copy and paste that audio.
Laetitia:Yeah. So what I've done, um, is like, My challenge from the start was to produce 100 podcast episodes in just 10 days. So in order to achieve this a huge number. As a new podcaster myself. I thought I would prepare templates. And I would prepare 10 topics. So. So I thought like if I got 10 guests, Then guests for each topic, I will have 100, right. So. I get that. Uh, 10 topics with each, uh, each one different sets of questions. So to each question. Guest's a record, the different answers. And from there I, yeah, I used the same question, my same audio to all the guests. So, uh, for the post-production and editing templates, I just created a template with my questions that, uh, That are repeatable. Um, the new, uh, guests enter. That are different. And that is what produced the unique episode. So that was the process.
Kimberley:So his rumble studio set up in that way that. You'll ask the question and then it will just pop in the audio that the guest answers.
Laetitia:Uh, yeah. In drama studio, like I think you, you were one of my first guests, so I still did not upload it. My, uh, recorded questions like, uh, now the link is still online. Like you can go check the interview again. It's a bit modified my answer. My questions are there with my voice. And uh, with rumble studio, you can like put the text questions. You can put the recording advice. You can put a video messages, audio messages with questions. Like we have a lot of, uh, steps asking for different kinds of answers from, um, From guests. So, um, That's where we can have a variety of, uh, answers could be multiple choice numbers, videos, or just, or just texts. So. This is the structure I chose for my challenge, which was basically all. Uh, all Joe requests.
Kimberley:Okay. It's. It's it's fascinating how it worked. From my end. It was very simple. I would click. Just answer the questions. And then finish.
Kimberley:you, it's very easy to. So, how do you. Get around this. The whole idea of, yes, you've got your questions already. Pre-prepared paired. But what about hosts that also ask questions on the spot.
Laetitia:Yeah. So with asynchronous, I decided to follow the format with no follow up. Questions. Like, for example, if I ask the question. And then the guest answered something and they were, there was something, something very interesting in their answer. I could not follow up with them because my second question was already recorded and it followed up automatically. So the kind of format I followed was. Question answered with background music, just to fill in the spaces. And of course with the asynchronous, we lose this touch of, uh, Spontaneous follow-up questions and, uh, This life conversation will not flow as smoothly as with the asynchronous, but, uh, with rumble studio, we are planning on, uh, building AI, artificial intelligence, where. Um, It will, uh, it will detect some, uh, words and, um, Some, uh, some concepts from the guest answered and it will suggest for the host to follow up with this so that the conversation will run as smoothly as, uh, An alive interview. But that is something we should, like we should know before getting into asynchronous because it's. It's a part of the deal.
Kimberley:Yeah, no, that's really interesting. So when that means to follow up, does that mean you would then create another. Question and go back to the. Uh, guests or. It, the AI will already recreate a question. Uh, during that same interview.
Laetitia:Yeah. Yeah. So on a technical technical level, I would say, um, The AI will like. That's the ask and it's up to you to, uh, to either add the question or not. And this is like early stages. We're talking, it's still not implemented in our app. So I have no director. Um, like I haven't sent yet myself. I haven't tested it yet, but this is what I guess will happen.
Kimberley:Yeah, no, it's.
Laetitia:uh, anyways, yeah, on like any other guests. Sorry to interrupt you any other. Any other hosts. I mean, um, they can, based on the guest answered, they can go back to the interview at some follow-up. Um, questions or follow up comments. They can comment on the guests answer. And then, and then the conversation will follow with question two, without having the guests to record the another answer. This is something I chose not to do because of the content volume I wanted to produce. Having, uh, having to comment on every. Uh, answered would take for me. Take whatever for me to do this. So I decided not to do it. But it's very possible on our.
Kimberley:Yeah. See, that's that's the thing I find is with. Podcast editing. It's um, if you're not going to edit it, And then it's easy to just upload. Uh, but the editing involved sometimes takes longer than the actual interview process. Which is, I guess I I've tried to create my own sort of format. And, uh, of course this podcast is spontaneous. I like chatting with the guest and just, uh, coming up with questions on the spot, listening to how they sound. Um, however, This rumble studio idea would be perfect for me. It would save me so much time. It would, um, it also. I would have to be a lot more organized and have my, uh, questions. Pre-prepared that's the only other thing. Um, Yeah. That there's so many. It's such a great product out there. There's so many possibilities with it. I guess the other thing is I struggle to find. I'm looking for guests all around the world yet. Uh, does my time zone suit? Those people in another country. Uh, especially when I'm currently based in France. And I was, when I was in Australia, I definitely struggled to find. A lot of guests that would match my timeline, whereas this would be great just to send to them and have someone do it in their own time.
Laetitia:And this is what's happened actually. Like I've got guests from all around the world. And I had like zero scheduling, literally zero. I had no idea when the guests were recording. When they were submitting their answers. I had no idea. It was like one link out there online. And people and like guests were coming in. And I just got a notification on the app that I have a new guest. I have a new guest, so I did know. Scheduling. And as you mentioned, the preparation takes time. Honestly, the preparation itself took me 10 days for the challenge, including, um, writing questions. Preparing the topics, the landing pages preparing the interviews on the ensemble studio. Preparing some templates, having some ideas for the background, music and jingles and everything. But once this preparation was done. Uh, I was like just waiting for answers to come. Um, to come in. And then, um, It went smoothly from there. I took a mini break. I mean if vacation. And then I started editing. Batches of episode. And then I started releasing last week and it's. And it's going great. But without this load of preparation, I would have. Done. I would say three to four episodes. Maximo.
Kimberley:Yeah, no, it's, it's very, uh, Yeah, it's a really cool product. I think too. Um, With my teacher hat on. Uh, schools would really appreciate this product. Uh, when they're doing podcasting, because I found when I was working with students in podcasting and. You know, we, we have a certain time that we can meet each week to create a show. And yet. When, when can they interview these people? Those people might not be able to be interviewed at that certain time. Whereas if you had school, students create their own questions and then send them out to. Uh, guests, they know that those guests can complete it in their own time. And then when they're back in that class or. They can start. Uh, editing the recording. So there's so much potential. Uh, with that.
Laetitia:Yeah, exactly. And it could be also like for surveys or testimonials or to. The students, parents or anything like it's, uh, It's really beneficial on this level.
Kimberley:Yeah. No, definitely. So it's based in France. Um, What do you find that the, do you have a lot of French people using this or people. Uh, from an English speaking background using it.
Laetitia:Yeah for now. Uh, for now, mostly we have, um, English speaking. Uh, people like they could be French with, uh, um, uh, knowledge of English, but then now our app is an English and we still don't have languages. But it's something that's coming soon. Uh, but I've done, I've done some interviews in French and jumbles, too Jewish. It's like just. Uh, just the platform itself is in English, but any, uh, any speaker could put his, her language inside and, uh, Can target their audience with their language. So. Mainly we've got international people, mainly English speaking here.
Kimberley:Oh, great. And so give us a little bit, um, about how you got into podcasting and maybe a little bit about your background. Uh,
Kimberley:Because you're in France and I'm actually at the moment you said to me that you're in Lebanon. Uh, you've gone home for a little bit. Uh, well, I don't know if you still, I dunno, Francis home or if Lebanon's home. So just give us a little bit about your background.
Laetitia:Uh, yeah, so, um, I studied in Lebanon for four years. I have a bachelor degree and. And cinema and film studies. And then I decided to go to France to a. To do a master. There and infant directing, especially. But I've always. Freelanced as a sound editor and some designer for movies, for ads, for music videos for literally anything she led to, to sound. I'm a huge fan of sounds. So, um, When I went to France, I had to do an internship. So I joined rumble studio as a podcast editor. And from there I started growing. Until. Until I started producing my own podcast. Like at first, it was really. Eddie really a challenge to be on the mic and speak. And English as a host. But now that I have my own show. I gained a bit of confidence and I practiced a bit. So I would say I started with rumble studio as a podcast editor. And this is how I got to know what a podcast is because, because in Lebanon it was not that famous. Like the concept of having a podcast or hearing to a podcast. So when I got to, uh, France, I got to know it more and listen to a new format, two different formats to a. Uh, Just to broaden my, uh, Exposure on, on. On podcasts. So, and in drama studio, we had to ha we have, we had, uh, a week he podcast club, we used to listen to different kinds of podcasts. Related to business related to health fiction formats. And we used to like analyze, analyze them. And this helped us, uh, Develop our tool and develop our podcasting skills. And this is how I got here. With podcast from zero to. I would say one.
Kimberley:That's great. Um, So a lot of the people who work at rumble studio have their own podcasts.
Laetitia:Uh, no. Like there's called Robinson. He is the CEO co-founder of Trumbull studio. He is the host of the voice tech podcast. So he used to, uh, He still is what he used to be an active, uh, podcasters. And. He is passing his knowledge on to me. And, but we don't have separate chose. Like we have an internal show in rumble studio called or Julian's. Uh, this is something. Myself and call or producing. Right now together. But individually, no, I think I have. Uh, show to myself and the rest is, um, Appearing on podcasts.
Kimberley:Pride. I wasn't aware of, um, your own show. So, what is, what is your show about.
Laetitia:The old jewel leads one.
Kimberley:Uh, the one that you have on your own, you were
Laetitia:Uh, the, yeah,
Kimberley:That cause I guess I I've understood the project that I participated in the a hundred. Episodes in 10 days.
Laetitia:is my new show.
Kimberley:Okay, so that's your new one and you had one previously to that in English as well.
Laetitia:No, we have one internal one called or Juliet's what? It's not mine. It's like for the company.
Kimberley:Sure. No. That's great. So how are you? Finding. So you're releasing an episode each day. Is that what you're doing?
Laetitia:Yeah, exactly. Including. Weekends.
Kimberley:Right. So how many episodes do you have live now?
Laetitia:Uh, I live, I've got six. Till now.
Kimberley:So each
Kimberley:You're going to have a new one come out. That's really cool.
Laetitia:Yeah. It is intense. It's like. Much more than anyone could do. Like it is overwhelming as a new podcast or to release daily. It's a bit overwhelming. And it demands a lot of, uh, Organization. And I hope I could stay consistent until I released the 100. Episodes. So let's hope for the best. Yeah.
Kimberley:Yeah, it is tough. I've I released two episodes a month. Uh, my dates are on the 15th and 30th. And I find it. For me. As somebody who's working full time, I find it a little bit intense, but then I do all the editing and, and the things going around. It. Um,
Kimberley:I'm trying to keep it to a format, but I guess if I was. Sometimes I feel if I was like Seth Rogan or something. Just release. What was done? So, yes, my conversations are. Uh, Like I pride this podcast on being spontaneous and being live conversations, but I do like to go in and edit and I add my intro and add my outro. And then I also listen back because I guess I'm trying to find. Vocabulary or phrases that would help. English learners. Uh, acquire the language. So I am going back in. Doing a bit. More to the podcast, but I think if I were to just release it, um, after we finished this conversation, it would be 10 times easier for me.
Laetitia:Yeah. So, what I've done is like, The guests I'm releasing daily or not the guests that are recording today. I MTD sinks. So I have. I have a batch of recorded answers and the batch of edited episodes. So like what. NGDC now is what I've worked on the past month.
Kimberley:Yes. And that's. I when I have had times where it depends on my guests, how lucky I am in getting guests. Sometimes I've had it preloaded. Weeks before. Um, at the moment, I I'm not at that stage.
Kimberley:Just depends how busy I am, but, um, I think it's brilliant when you can have so much. Ready to go. Whereas my podcast relies on guests. I can't release an episode without a guest.
Kimberley:It's the research going in that it's finding someone with a particular accent too. Um, which I try to reach out to. Uh, my listeners. Because, uh, by getting them to come on, the show also helps. And, uh, I've done that actually quite a few of my listeners. I have turned into my guests.
Laetitia:Yeah, why not?
Kimberley:No it is it's. Um, It's very interesting. But, uh, yeah, Leticia, thank you so much for coming on the show and explaining this process. I'm fascinated. Uh, with rumble studio, I don't know. Any other company out there doing that. And it is something that I would like to consider using. Uh, myself when I can't. Meet with someone in person. And like you said, testimonials, even just sending out, asking people to say something about your company, um, or even sending out, imagine just asking. People to ask questions on your show and then just having a segment where you pop that in. I think it's brilliant.
Laetitia:Yeah. It's. There's a nice idea. Like. Uh, ideas are limitless using this tool. Like, uh, we use asynchronous every day in our lives, including emails, messages. Like. We use it without even knowing that. All of our work is mainly asynchronous, so we could really go deep with audio. So many, so many. Um, four months are available with audios and it's open for creation. So that's really nice.
Kimberley:I definitely, it's such a, I'm so glad that I was part of your project. It was really cool.
Laetitia:And I was so happy with part of it too.
Kimberley:Thank you so much. The t-shirt I will, uh, be popping in. Our episode that we did together, and it was so lovely to speak to you in person. And Yeah. And I'll also send money through your links. So I can put that in the show notes too. So people, well, actually I have the link to your show. I don't know why I said to send that. So I'll also put the link to the.
Laetitia:Yeah, I guess in the show description I put like even my, uh, social media handles the. The LinkedIn. And stuff, but. If you, if you feel like you need any other link, don't hesitate to ask me. I can send it to you.
Kimberley:Brilliant. All right. Well, have a lovely day.
Laetitia:Thank you so much, Kimberly. too.
Kimberley:thanks for listening to another episode of Accented. I'm your host Kimberly Law accented is released on the 15th and 30th of each month. If you'd like to find out more about me please head to I'd love to hear your thoughts. So don't forget to leave a review of the podcast or even a star rating. Speak to you soon.